My least favorite part of the day is taking off my make-up because I spend so much time doing it in the morning, and after I take it off my face is all red and blotchy
I am on doctors orders not to drink soda... I have at least one can per week
I actually enjoyed wearing all back whilst attending PMtS. Somehow all the black made me feel comfortable and safe
When I was younger my room got so messy before my parents forced me to clean it that my dad would get a rake and bring everything into the center of the room in a heaping pile to make the mess seem more manageable.
I lose the game on a weekly basis. but one of my joys in life is bringing people into the game
There are 6 mannequin heads in my room, all but one are named Shelby. The sixth was christened Debra Mannequin
One of my favorite things guys wear are ties. Really cool ties.
There are three blogs that I keep up. One for the public (a link to it is on my "info" page.) One that only a few select friends know about, for more sensitive material. And one that is more of an online journal.
If I don't know what time it is, I get anxious. Even if I have no where to go, nowhere to be I have to know what time it is. My watch is taken off very rarely and if I ever misplace it I cannot sit still
I enjoy making stuffed animals out of old socks or by crocheting. To stuff them I buy big stuffed animals from the thrift store, cut them open and use their guts to fill my new animals.
My favorite number in general is Nine thousand, Nine hundred and ninety nine(9,999)
My number I am partial to which fits more situations is either 7 or 176
Whenever I hear something in a different language that I don't understand (physics and the such included) I respond with "Si, los pantalones" meaning, Yes the pants.
I read all four Twilight books. They were alright but NOT NEARLY as good as everyone seems to think they are. Not worthy of making a movie out of... I tried to read one again to see if I had missed something but could not get more than two chapters before I felt my brain cells going on massive mercy killings
I don't like my blankets to be warm when I get into them, it makes me think that someone was there just before me (like the awkward moment you sit on the toilet and it's warm, and you can't help but picture someone else's butt warming it up) The blankets and my pillow should start cold
One of my favorite things in the world to do is to drive. If gas were not so expensive I would go for a drive everyday, just drive around for hours. There is a stretch of road on the way between Washington and Utah that we take when we travel between the two, miles and miles of straight pavement. Nothing to look at on either side but crops, but to be with yourself, the road and music blaring =D
When caught in a awkward situation I often strive to kick the awkward level up another notch.
I can read treble clef and play right hand on piano, and can't sing harmony without much practice and humming to myself.
I have literally more family than I can count. If I try really hard I can name all my cousins on my moms side... I think
I could be entertained for hours with something as simple as a light up top, a clicky pen, a pop-up book or anything sparkly.
I don't play video games, have never been to a LAN party, or done drugs. But I will understand if you say almost anything about the three
For me the perfect temperature range is 62-74 degrees. Any colder and I shiver but will live. Any hotter and I suffer endlessly
I hate sweating, it is one of my least favorite things to do in the entire world.
I type very fast but with only 87% accuracy. I tend to type out what I want to say and then go back and fix errors. I rarely hit "backspace" while in mid-sentence.
At some point in my life I want to live in the Scottish country side. Have a summer house there I could vacation to every now and again. In the green fields of heather with the fresh smell of clean rain. (Also, a man in a traditional kilt is strangely and incredibly attractive.)
I hate the rain if its cold, dirty or too heavy
If it isn't Christmas time, I hate the snow
Hail storms are some of the most exciting times of my life
I love Disney Movies, especially Mulan and Hercules and Beauty & The Beast and Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.
All my best friends live in my computer
My favorite color is bright pink
I am obsessed with Broadway and musicals. 90% of the music on my computer is show tunes
I enjoy writing letters almost as much as receiving them (*hint* *hint*)
My main means of communication is text (for those living near by) or facebook (for all others)
In my memory I have only ever lived in two town, two houses. Both blue
I don't like sheets. I sleep under blankets on top of blankets
I never wear anything on my feet if I can help it
My favorite utensil is a spoon.
Though I can cook almost anything my favorite and most common delight is cookies
I once sat in my room and counted to 9,999 just to see if I could do it
I love being on stage more than almost anything else
I am not comfortable with the person I am (hence my love of being on stage, being someone else)
I have had clinical depression since 4th grade and have been on every medication thinkable for it
I don't sing or dance in the shower, that is weird
My favorite person in the entire, whole wide world is my (step)Dad.
My favorite books are children books (especially Dr. Seuss who is my favorite Author)
My favorite forms of creative output are: Cutting hair, Coloring hair, Make-up, Acting, Singing, Scrap booking, Making up recipes, sewing (though I am not yet good at this particular skill)
My favorite musicals are (in not particular order): Sweeney Todd, The Fantasticks, Les Miserables, The Last 5 Years, Spring Awakenings, Rent
Other musicals I enjoy immensely are: 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Suessical the Musical, Miss Sigon, The Flower Drum Song, Oliver!, Singing In The Rain, Guys & Dolls, Fiddler On The Roof, I Love You You're Perfect Now Change, Into The Woods, Chicago, Jekyll & Hyde, Little Shop of Horrors, Rent, Wicked, Candide, Footloose, Kiss Me Kate, Moulin Rouge, Nightmare Before Christmas
I have no middle name. None of the girls in my family have middle names so that when we get married we can keep our maiden names as middle names so as to keep from having names such as Aubrey Lynn Marie Slack Shadenfroiden. Aubrey Slack Shadenfroiden is much simpler. Though I plan on dropping Slack all together and adding in a middle name Lynn. because it's my favorite middle name
I have horrible neophobia -- or the fear of new foods. I have never eaten the following: Lasagna, mushrooms, hamburgers with anything but bread and meat, meatloaf, tomatoes, cranberry sauce, chilly, any sort of bean, Artichokes, asparagus, beets, cucumbers, leeks, poppers, alfredo and many others. I never plan on eating them
I have only ever lived in two states. Utah and Washington. In my memory I have only ever lived in three cities, Heber City Utah. Richland Washington and now Provo Utah (though we moved around a lot when I was little, to different places in norther Utah) I don't like Utah and never plan on moving back
My feet are much bigger than they appear. I wear size 10-11 which means that I can never find anything cute that fits
When I was very little, at day care we had TV/nap time. We watched Barney, Sesame Street, Lamb Chop (this is the song that never ends...), Thomas the Tank Engine and Reading Rainbow. I loved all the shows but Reading Rainbow because every time I saw or heard Lavar Burton i thought of his role in Star Trek and his funny glasses and couldn't pay attention to any of the books he was reading. Also, I hated the way he talked like we were all little kids (we WERE all little kids, but he didn't have to talk to us that way)
Probably my all time favorite song is "Return to Pooh Corner" by Kenny Loggins. It is one of my dads favorite songs which is probably why I like it so much. It is one of those songs that seems to fit at any given point in your life. It's a seemingly silly song about Winnie the Pooh and a man who grows up only to realise that there are "a few precious things seem to follow throughout all our lives"
I am afraid that someone is hiding in the shower and will pop out at me if I'm using the bathroom, so I will always check then open the shower curtain to the right before I can use the bathroom. I also have to look in the toilet to make sure that there aren't any spiders in it.... someone once told me about a kind of spider that likes to crawl up drain pipes into toilets and bite you while you're sitting there. Now I know that they probably don't exist but I still have to check every time.
I am a horrible speller. I have the ability to spell most things correctly, if I try. but usually I just don't care. I understand what I'm saying, YOU understand what I'm saying so why should I take the extra time and effort to spell every little word exactally the same as everyone else spells it. Also, I think it is funny when it annoys anal-spellers.
Though, my internet explorer has a spell checker so when writing important people or things I can apper smarter and not so lazy.
I make lists of things in my spare time. Lists of books I want to own, movies I need to see. Lists of names I hate and ones I want to give to my children/cats. Lists of things to do w/ people the next time I see them. Also, I have a list of lists I want to make...
I want to name a daughter Kaedence, after my high school best friend Kaetochi (I can't name a daughter Kaetochi because it's not a white girl name)
I also like the girl names:
Harmony, Joy, Eden, Cailynn
I want to name a son Jeremy after my once best friend, Jeremy.
I also like the boy names:
Ezikial, Donavan, Adan, Ezra and Kaeden, in case I don't have a daughter but still want a child named after Kaetochi
In my 5th grade class the word Podhajsky was a spelling word... Kari Podhajsky's last name... it was pretty much a requirement to be her friend, being able to spell her name. I can spell it quite quickly!! (much the same as little kids take pride in spelling mississippi)
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving (lots of amazing food, great times with family, sitting together in Grandma's living room talking, going around the room saying what we are thankful for) Christmas is second but pales in comparison (food and family are still there, but it gets too much hype to actually be amazing)
Movies after books are horrible horrible things. I instantly loose respect for anyone who says they love Harry Potter than admit to only having seen the movies, and have no desire to read the books.
Fake Christmas trees are
blasphemous, enough said.
Blue is NOT a Christmas color. The only time blue is acceptable in decorating is when red green silver and gold are also present. Strings of all blue lights are not to be tolerated.
I collect quotes. Quotes from movies, books, famous people, plays and quotes I hear every day. I have a list on my iTouch, on my computer, in the bag I take to church and on a paper in my room. Every once in a while I will put the lists together and read through them.
I love Shakespeare and sometimes when I am in a bad mood I will hunker down and read me some Loves Labours Lost or Richard III. Well done Shakespeare is a piece of heaven and is valued above riches and gold. Badly done Shakespeare is worse than killing puppies.
The "Shakespeare" that comes from reading in high school English classes would make William himself hate it.
Some of my favorite authors include:
Orson Scott Card (the Ender series, Enchantment and his women of Genesis collection)
Dr. Seuss (I cannot list my favorites because I love them all... but Have I Ever Told You How Lucky You Are is my top)
Terry Pratchett, disk world series (The Wee Free Men, Moving Pictures, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, Hogfather, A Hat Full Of Sky, Night Watch, Soul Music, Reaper Man, Witches Abroad, Thief of Time, Mort, Sourcery, The color of Magic)
Jane Austen (Emma and Pride & Prejudice are my favorites. Sense and Sensibility I didn't like at all)
I hate country music. Growing up my dad joked telling my sister and I that we could "smoke, drink go to jail as long as we didn't clog dance or listen to country music".
When we played Cowboys and Indians I thought that the cowboys were the bad guys, and considered cowboys and such a kind of evil.
I lived from the ages of 2-9.5 in a small hick town in the mountains of Utah named Heber City. It is a place that old people move to when they retire because of it's "scenic value" and a place where nine months out of the year you can hear the rodeo blaring all through the night. Multiple times a year some kid would have for show in tell either his rope throwing tricks, steer wrestling (and by steer I mean calves) and barrel racing. There was an annual parade w/ a few of the traditional floats, the fire trucks and such.... then there were lots of horses and people dressed in funny clothes on those horses, ie lots of denim, bedazzled denim. Jackets with fringe running up the sleeves and skirts with tacky plastic jewels lining the bottoms. It was practically a requirement to own at least one pair of cowboy boots and a hat (my family and I weren't true citizens as we didn't own either, and never sported the mullet)
Aubrey the name is the Norman French form of the Germanic name ALBERICH. As an English masculine name it was common in the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century.
It means "Fair Ruler of the Little People" or "King of the Elves"
"ALB" means elf and "RIC" or "RICH" means power/ruler
I am not good at but mediocre at the following: Photography, singing, writing, drawling, painting, sewing acting and cooking. I have the horrible habit of finding pleasure in an activity such as these until I find too many people who are better than me, then I decided that because I will never be nearly as amazing as them that I might as well stop trying and switch on to something else I can excel at. A horrible way to think but true.
The Dr. Seuss book "Happy Birthday to You" is read to me every year on my birthday by my daddy. Last last year I was 600 miles away in Provo on my birthday so I called him and he read it to me over the phone. Last year he recorded himself reading it and sent me the mp3
I have only been to the following states: Utah, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, montana, Wyoming and if you count airports New Jersey.
Outside of the US I have been to Mexico (only Tijuana so it doesn't really count) England and Scotland.
I keep my cell phone on me at all times, usually in my bra
nuts belong in jars of nuts, not in chocolate or cookies
red delicious apples are a disgrace to the whole apple world, they're skin is to hard, they are gross.
The Beatles are highly over rated
I can't sleep at night if I know that my 120 crayon set is unorganized
if it has sauce, Aubrey probably doesn't like it
A good helping of ice cream will fix almost any problem
PJs are not proper attire for anything outside your house other than Halloween, unless you are ill.
Valentines day is a stupid holiday. Thanksgiving is the best
grapnuts cereal tastes like dry cat food
bright pink rivals all other colors
I enjoy wearing all black, but in a cute way, not a Gothic/emo one
glitter is sexy
Fruit is much cuter than vegetables (mostly because vegetables as a whole are not cute)
Cheesecake is a dessert of the gods
Mr. Darcy > Edward Cullen. [The End][Stop][Period]
Photo Shop is sent from heaven above
Here are a few questions I have that will never be answered.
do penguin have knees
how old do you have to be to die of old age?
if you have a cold hot pocket, is it just a pocket
why did sally sell seashells on the seashore when you can just pick them up there?
if you fart and burp at the same time, would it make vacuum in your tummy?
do they call a fortune teller who can't see a "blind seer"?
why do you put your two cents in when it's only a penny for your thoughts
No shirt, no shoes, no service... do they have to serve someone with no pants?
if an African elephant comes to America, is it an African-American elephant?
Why do we sing "Rock a bye baby" to lull our little ones to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle to the ground?
why do we say we're head over heels when we're happy? Isn't that the way we normally are?
do people who use sign language see little hands in their head when they think about what somebody said, or do they hear words?
why are the adjectives "fast as" and "slow as" often used in conjunction with hell, is hell fast or slow?
why are red buttons always the most important
if a hermaphrodite got sent to jail, would they go to a men or womens' prison?
would you die if you didn't pee?
why does every Abraham Lincoln impersonator sound the same, even thought there are no known audio recording of the man?
if marbles are not made of marble, why are they called marbles
If you dig a hole through the center of the earth, come out on the other side, and then let go, would
you be falling down or floating up?
why are elderly people often called "old people" but children are never called "new people"
can you really read a picture book?
is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
is eating a mermaid considered cannibalism
if you only have one eye, are you blinking or winking?
was is a chickpea if it is neither a chick or a pea
whenever an adult is kidnapped, why isn't it called adultnapped?
Did Yankee Doodle name the feather, hat, town, or his pony Macaroni?
If fantasy island really granted wishes, why wasn't Tattoo 6'6"
if all of ACME's products backfire, why does Wile E. Coyote keep buying them?
is it legal to name your kid "anonymous"
do cows have calf muscles
if you died with braces on would they take them off?
if a person suffered from amnesia and then was cured would they remember that they forgot?
Why is joey short for Joe, when joey as more letters?
Is there a certain temperature at which it stops being qualified as cold? At what temperature does it qualify as hot?
how come toy hippos are always blue or purple when real hippos are brown?
why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
why isn't palindrome a palindrome?
why is it called a "near miss" when they didn't hit each other, wouldn't it be a "near hit?
why is it so hard to remember how to spell MNEMONIC?
why is it called after dark when it's really after light