I have been doing Day and Night school (50 hour weeks) for two weeks now... only now am I finding out that upon doing this my hours speed up, but my theory hours stay the same
this means that once my 2000 clock hours are completed I will still owe 20 theory hours!
When enrolled and getting clock hours you get 4 theory hours a week, after you "graduate" and complete your clock hours you can go to both creative and adaptive and night school theory, giving you 9 theory hours a week.
I have to stay in Provo for two and a half weeks longer than planned...
three weeks after my parents come down to Utah for spring break, making the getting of me and all my stuff back to Washington a bit more difficult.
In school there are two tests you have to pass before taking the official State Board written test, I took the first one today and I'll take the second on Thursday.... I'm not sure how good I did, you have to get 70%+ to pass hopefully I did... They offer the tests once a month, you can take them as many times as you need but because I finish so soon I will only have one more opportunity to take both tests. *knocks on wood*
As of last Monday I have 1,576 hours and I get 50 hours a week. March 10th I will take "Final Phase" which is a week long class which preps you for the State Board Practical Exam.
My friend Kayce and I will take it together, then on the Monday following (March 16th) we will drive to Odgen and take the test.... EEEee! That is soo soon! I'm almost done, it's scary but I know that I'm ready.
They have a graduation ceremony every three months, the next one is sometime in March. It is really a formality mostly for the family of students because you graduate once you have 2000 hours, not whenever the graduation ceremony rolls around.
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