We were doing a full foil slice, highlights essentially. A very long process
[I am very tired and do not have the energy to fully blog this, so I will paraphrase]
We didn't talk much as both of us were very tired. At one point she asked me a question I get alot, and was sick of hearing the first time.
"So, how many of these guys are gay?" Really, if you want to know you should go and talk to a few of them. Is it any of your business? Do I ask you if you are straight, granted it's usually a given, but still....
"It's about even actually..." she looked surprised and... disproving? no not disproving she looked judgmental. "Actually more than half of my best friends are gay. They are amazing and nice and caring and completely non-judgmental. I love them all dearly"
At this point there was a slight lull in the conversation
she then asked, trying to make it seem like a new subject but I could still see she was thinking about what I just said "So, are you LDS?" a common question, one I don't mind hearing or answering
"Yea" I said
"So... do you go to church?" REALLY? Really?! Who asks that? Whether I go to church or not is none of your business. You obviously only asked such a thing because you assume that I don't, you assume that I am an inactive member, or a "Sunday-Mormon" meaning I'm only LDS on the sabbath. You assume that because I know lots of homosexuals that I am apostate! That I couldn't possibly be a good strong member of the church because of the "types" of people I associate with, that just because I'm not as judgmental and condemning as you are that... Of all the ignorant, selfish, close-minded, judgmental, hypocritical Un-Christlike things to.... needless to say I was a bit taken back and outraged at this question.
"Yup, every week" I said with a smile.
Luckily for both of us I was ready to blow dry and had to stop the conversation right there... I really wanted to throw some stuff in there about how fun it is to compare taste with my fairy friends, or something along those lines to outrage her as much as she had me, but that would have been unprofessional so I held my tongue.
That is the type of people I come in contact with all the time in Provo. Hypocritical, super hyper-judgmental church members who feel superior because they have the gospel, feel like everyone else is lower somehow. And anything different is bad. If you aren't following things to a T you are automatically a horrible person deserving of scorn...... or somehow worse: deserving of pity. I hate the "I want to save your soul" look I get sometimes. I DON'T NEED MY SOUL SAVED BY YOU! YOU ARE NOT MY SAVIOR!
I go to Church, I don't do anything that makes me a bad member of the church. Sure I have my faults and weaknesses but everyone does. One fault I don't have is being judgmental.
I am open-minded, accepting and save the judging for God.
Goodness people... UGH!
Oh, and Jeremy and I are officially over. For real this time. :/
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