...and by french I mean girl talk... I hesitated at first about posting this blog, but then I figured this is MY blog about MY life and as much as I wish hope and pray that it wouldn't be, this is a part of me and who I am.
It is that time of the month... automatically awful day right there. But this time around it is worse than it has been in a long time as for as sensitive moodiness and cramps.
It all started out this morning when I got all ready with the things I would need through out the day, I had lots to take because this week is Final Phase for me (a week long course offered at school which goes step by step through state borards making it practically impossible to fail) I had all these things ready to go and then remembered that I needed breakfast.
My cramps were starting and I hoped that eating something would at least keep them from combining forces with the empty-stomach monster. I grabbed some yogurt and looked in the drawer for a spoon. Nothing there.
I looked on the table where I left my spoon from eating dry cereal the night before, nothing there.
I looked in the dishwasher and couldn't see if it was dirty or clean. I risked it and dived in in search of a spoon with which I would eat breakfast and rush off to school hopefully early gaining precious extra minutes towards graduation and guaranteeing being on time. Nothing there (in the form of spoons that is)
I was standing in the kitchen, 20 min before school starts, five minutes before I wanted to BE at school with a cup of yogurt and nothing to eat it with.
The tears started welling, my eyes started leaking, my throat started tightening and yes, I started crying. Not an audible cry, no wailing took place, but I was crying.
After about two seconds of that I realized that I was crying over a spoon! I felt so silly for crying over a bent piece of metal that I started crying harder...
Then I remembered that I keep a spoon in my purse for just such emergencies. Crisis not really averted, but over and done.
I went to school very irritable as is often my monthly case. Nothing new, nothing exciting.
I sat down in Final Phase class. In it with me all week are Tajia, Kayce, Leena, Michelle 12, Kendra, CarrieAnne, Susie, Angelique and Mike. Of those my good friends are Kayce and Leena. Today we ended up sitting at different tables (though, in a room as small as this one it didn't really make much of a difference)
Ugh, I hate doing this again on another blog post, but it is late and it seems I spent too much on the first part of the story... I just ran to the store to buy some pamprin and other necessities to aid with "mother natures gift" and it is now 12:00
My goal is to be in bed ready to fall asleep by 11:30
The other day I was reading an article about how a group of 30 women changed their schedule so they would each get 7.5 hours of good sleep every night, after a month and a half of this each of them had lost 15-35 lbs. Because if you're not tired you don't binge on unhealthy foods, you aren't too tired to exercise, and your body has enough time to do all the things it can't do while you are awake.
I wake-up at 7:30 so if I get to SLEEP BY 12:00 I will get seven and a half hours of sleep.
I didn't reach my goal tonight, but as my (and Mr. Leggett's) personal mantra goes; Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
1 comment:
Ugh, I feel you. Crying over a spoon is exactly the kind of thing I do during that lovely time. Good luck on the finals! And by the way, I love Pearls Before Swine!
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